Saturday, January 11, 2014

City of Angels 2.0

Hello to my favorite people on earth! This past Tuesday posting wasn't really an option for me, but I am back today with a new post for you all! Although I was tempted to just keep this a traditional post of clothes and outfits, I decided to shake it up (indirect Disney Channel reference) a bit and focus on fashion AND lifestyle.
Now in order for all of you to understand this post you need to have some background on the topic: Downtown Los Angeles. Depending on where you live or where you are from you may all have different ideas of what type of downtown LA I am talking about, so I thought I'd just go ahead and clear it up. Many non-Californian residents believe that downtown Los Angeles is a part of Hollywood and is full of glamour and excitement of the city. Although I'm not saying that that belief isn't true, it hasn't always been.
For those of us who have been born and raised in the City of Angels, when we would venture into downtown L.A, there would be a different reality to face. Up until about the 70's, downtown L.A was a happening place full of bright lights and high speed life. This continued for a few more years (or so) until a different way of living took over the area. Many of the bright and busy stores and theaters closed, leaving vacant spaces and a lack of life. But slowly, as the idea of a downtown has become much more popular among young people, the brightness and business is returning. One example of this is the hotel/restaurant that I visited today, called Ace Hotel. With a slight Hollywood-glamour look, and a creative edge, it is the perfect place for a delicious meal, or a perfect place to visit if you were to ever need a place to stay. For those of you who don't like good food or don't need a place to stay, simply popping your head in will brighten your day. It's a place full of mirrors and vintage staircases, along with simple sketches on their bare walls, that is guaranteed to modernize your mind and remind you of what downtown L.A was once like. If you do ever visit, I would recommend ordering their "Ruby Red Grapefruit Brûlée" and I promise you that you will love it.

And no, I have not forgotten the fashion part of today's post. Considering I was journeying into the land of fashion and excitement, I had to dress the part. Although Saturday often makes me want to put on a t-shirt and jeans, I knew I had to up my game. So today's outfit became a jumble of prints and necklaces. I paired together a patterned top which comes with a matching shirt as well (Clueless?) from Forever 21 with a pair of patterned shorts (yes they are most definitely shorts) from my mother's closet. I added three necklaces (each of which had a different level of color): a basic chain necklace, a beaded choker, and a bedazzling jeweled necklace. My favorite shoes of the moment are these platform boots from Topshop, so they were a necessity. And finally I added a vintage bedazzled purse as my extra little something. With a splash of red lipstick and heavy earring that almost broke my ears, my outfit was complete.

Now as my Saturday post comes to an end, I promise you all that I will be posting on Tuesday, so you don't have to worry about unexplained moments of M.I.A. I hope you all enjoyed this post, and that you all have a great weekend! Ciao!
xoxo, Paloma.