Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Prom pt. 1

Hello and a happy Tuesday to you all! I hope you all had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend without forgetting what Memorial Day is really about (and no it's not just a day of good sales).
With prom just around the corner (and yes I am aware that many of you have already had prom), I thought that it was only appropriate to dedicate this week, and next week's post about prom. Instead of just jumping straight into all that is prom and showing off the bedazzled dresses and ten inch heels, I decided to take it slow and break prom down. Now, what really is prom? A dance? A stereotypical rite of passage for all highschoolers? An opportunity to show yourself off at your best? Regardless to what you think prom is, everyone can agree (ok maybe only girls) that prom takes preparation and dedication. Believe it or not, before I was introduced to prom, I had never experienced such a rushed and insane preparation for any type of event (besides from a wedding). But if a wedding and prom have similar types of preparation, that should just be an obvious red flag that you are wading into uncharted territories.
Now before I discuss dresses and shoes and what you need in your clutch, I thought that I would start simple and discuss hair and makeup. Hair and makeup are two of the most important things in prom preparation (minus the date and the dress). You want your makeup and hair to fit you and your dress perfectly without being too much. Most girls tend to choose the natural side of makeup with either or an updo or hair down, but since I'm me, I decided to explore the natural and dark side (it's like the dark side of the moon).

For my natural prom look, I decided to do basic face makeup and light eyes and light lips. For my eyeshadow, I used a gold color on the lips of my eyes, a darker brown on the creases, and a light silver in the corner of my eyes near the waterline. For eyeliner, I used a dark brown pencil from Sephora and basic black mascara from Sephora. For my lips, I used a primer lip balm from Victoria's Secret and a light pink lipstick from Whole Foods.
Dark Side of the Moon
For my more gothic take on prom makeup and hair, I started out with basic face makeup, dark eyes, and a red lip. For my eyeshadow, I used a dark brown for the lids of my eyes, and added a dark purple to my creases. For my eyeliner, I used a liquid black eyeliner from Whole Foods to create a cat eye look. Finally, for my lips, I used the primer to being with, and then added a scarlet red lipstick from Sephora.
Now I'm sure you are all wondering why I presented you with all this information, and I promise you there is a reason. I wanted to show you all the two basic makeup looks for prom, in hope that you will find your own unique prom look! For my personal look, I'm planning on going with the semi natural/semi dark look considering my dress is quite basic. If you have a very bold dress, you may want to try natural makeup first to ensure that it will not overshadow your dress. But luckily, it is all up to you, and you can play around with it as much as you like! I hope you all found some value in this post, and if you want to share your makeup and hair looks for prom, email me and I'll post them in the next post!
I hope you all enjoyed this little intro into prom, but if you tune in next week, I will have the full prom experience for you all!

xoxo, Paloma

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