Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Stereotypical Tuesday

I hope you are all having a terrific Tuesday (or as terrific as a Tuesday can be), and I decided that for today's post I would go off on a sort of tangent from my last post: makeup. As trivial and overused as this topic might be, it's incredible fun to do (which is partially why it is so widely used). I decided to divide the looks into three different categories: school, a night out, and what one might call cartoon-ish. As well as telling you all what I did for the makeup, I will also like give a little description of what someone would wear with this kind of makeup.
1. The makeup to wear when you spend 8 hours of your life at school:
For Delilah's makeup I decided to go with a really natural look. I didn't add any extra foundation to her face. For the eye shadow, I started first with a darker color on the outside and a base brown on the middle of the lids. I used a lighter color on the insides of her lids to brighten her eyes. All the eyeshadow colors I used for all the looks come from that huge Sephora packet of eyeshadows. For this kind of makeup, you can basically wear anything, as long as you don't overdo the color brown in your wardrobe.

2. The makeup you would wear when you decide to leave your house:
When I decide that maybe being anti-social isn't such a good idea, I decide to actually leave my house. This makeup is inspired by that social/anti-social conflict we all go through. Since Delilah has really green eyes, I decided to work with that and use a lot of dark green and green colors to bring out the green. I used a dark green on the middle of her lids, a darker/sparkly green on the top corners, and a light green to accent the whites in her eyes. I also decided to use blue eyeliner instead of normal black to bring out the subtle blue that's also in her eyes. For this type of makeup, I would go with some leather and darker colors like black and grey. Also a lighter blue or even a light green might work with this makeup as long as the makeup and clothes don't combine to make you look like a clown. Ok so this picture turned out kind of weird but if you ignore the face part and just focus on the eyes, you'll get the picture.
3. Since Halloween is coming up, here is some makeup that could work:
This make up was actually my favorite to do because I kind of messed it up but it ended up looking ok. I used a thicker MAC liquid eyeliner with a weird little twist on the side (attempt at a little cat eye). I decided to go with some dark pink, light pink, purple eyeshadow action. The result ended up looking like a rose colored tulip (or I guess just a rose). With makeup like this, either wear it with a Halloween type outfit, or honestly, don't really wear it at all. I love the idea of it but it is a really hard look to do, so unless you really think you can pull it off, leave it to the costume season..
So that is all for the make-up post. I'm sorry it took me a bit longer to write it but certain people were quite distracting at coffee bean.
xoxo, Paloma

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