Saturday, December 28, 2013

FPWL Turns One

Hello dear FPWL-ers! I hope you all had wonderful and safe holidays and are enjoying your days off of school! I have been M.I.A for a week and a half and it is time for another post. Although many of you did not realize, it is FPWL's one year anniversary! I started this blog exactly a year ago today and it has been an amazing year for me in the world of blogging. I started this blog with the hopes of putting my voice into the world and changing how people view fashion, and regardless of whether that has happened at all, it still has changed the way I look at fashion and how I see the world of fashion. I hope you have all enjoyed this year whether or not you came across FPWL in the early (too early for the public) stages or as late as last week. Thank you all so much and I honestly would not be able to continue this if it wasn't for all of your support. And now, without further ado, I give you the birthday post.
So the "birthday post" isn't really a birthday post but more of a "After-Christmas Finds" post. Let me explain: After-Christmas shopping is much like Black Friday, only better. After Christmas all retailers are so desperate to sell off the last of their winter items (or fall if you live in states where there is no winter) that they will go to any lengths to ensure that you buy what they are selling. In case you still believe that Black Friday is better than After Christmas shopping, here is an example that might change your opinion. Over the summer I bought a pair of jeans from Pacsun that were half blue half black (if anyone knows me they would know I wear these jeans almost every day). When I bought these jeans in August, the retail price for them was $45. In reality that isn't that bad for jeans and even though buying them meant spending the last of my babysitting money, it was well worth it. Flash-forward to the 26th of December, 2013 and I am at Pacsun again, and guess what I find? The same exact jeans for a low price of only $10 (by the way they cost $25 on Black Friday). Therefore I strongly suggest going After-Christmas shopping.
Anywhoo, now that I have explained the basics of After-Christmas over Black Friday shopping, it is time for the real meat of today's post (We've already gotten through the bread and the pickle). Now I'm going to say a little for-warning about these pictures: it was very foggy so the pixels aren't as sharp as could be. Now I headed to the mall on this lovely day of "after-christmas" shopping with $40 dollars in hand, and I returned home that day with four lovely items (three of which will be mentioned today).
Sophia modeled today's outfits and I have to say I felt bad for her considering it was about 33 degrees and foggy, but she prevailed none the less. Sophia's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious outfit consisted of three main lost cost items: A green FAUX (don't worry I'm not that kind of person) leather jacket from Heavenly Couture ($16), a overall styled patterned dress from Forever 21 ($12), and over-the-knee lace cream socks from Urban Outfitters ($7). All styled together, the look was very sunny and bright and was a little ray of sunshine in the cold foggy place where we shot. We paired the outfit with white hightop converse (not purchased cheaper unfortunately) and a variety of rings and bracelets.

Now a side note on why I did a close up on her nails: these nails are the perfect type of nails for New Year's Eve. Although you can't see them as well as I had hoped, they are still visible. To get this look it requires three different shades of nail polish (black, gold, and clear-ish silver with little shiny flakes in them) and a little brush. All you need to do is, paint your nails black (let dry), paint a layer of gold on the base of your nails and drag parts of it up with the brush (let dry), and finally cover the "dripping" gold part with the shimmery silver and you're good to go! (Well make sure you let it all dry before you do anything else). Voila! NYE nails in a blink of an eye.
My next post will be on NYE so be prepared for some go-to outfits for any NYE parties you might attend!
xoxo, Paloma

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