Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Carrie Diaries Inspired Look

Happy Tuesday and Happy one more day closer to break for all of the students reading this! Today's post is based on something that I've seen other bloggers do a lot, and that is a television or movie inspired look. For today's post, I recruited the lovely model Delilah, and I chose the television show The Carrie Diaries (for those of you who don't watch it, it's like a prequel of Sex in the City). This show is one of my absolute favorites for many reasons. One, all the outfits on this show are to die for, and two, the show itself is very interesting and actually has a deeper meaning than any other television show. Oh and did I mention it has the very attractive Austin Butler as well? The bottom line is, that for many reasons this show is an absolute gem and I truly recommend that you all watch it if you haven't!

For TCD inspired look, I wanted to channel the craziness, the multiple pattern pairing, and the simple glamour of the world of New York City is the 1980's. This time of fashion was one filled with eccentric colors, mixed patterns, and pretty much everything that is now considered "out of style" or (say in the voice of a fashion critic) "simply too over the top". But that is the exact reason why I happen to love it so much; you could do no wrong. The Carrie Diaries wardrobe department deserves a standing ovation because they really did forget all the boundaries of fashion that we have today, and remind us all of the that wonderful time, when no matter how many patterns you paired together, you still were not judged and no one would give you that sideways glance of what is she wearing.
To put all of this talk into action, here is the outfit that was inspired by the show, but by also the 1980's and all the craziness it entailed. To begin with pairing many different patterns together without any prior thought of whether they matched or not. I took a glittery, silver and gold pleated skirt from Forever 21 (perfect for a holiday party? I think yes) and paired it with a blue tank top with some extra little thingadoos (new word. accept it and continue) and some white studs on top from Anthropologie. Now for the extra little things I added some bright red, ankle strapped heels (courtesy of Reilly) and a furry, cheetah print bomber jacket from Forever 21. I left the face basically natural besides from a little blush, and I gathered all of Delilah's hair into a geometrically perfect bun atop her head (one could also call this a topknot). And although this look would not be one I would immediately think works, it actually does and it's very refreshing to see that it does.
Now here is my little challenge that I'm creating for myself and for all of you that are t-3 days away from your holiday break: take a note out of Carrie's book, and try not to think if this or that matches. I'm doing this myself as a little cleanse from society's strict fashion rules of what works and what doesn't, and it comes at perfect timing considering the end of this year is a little over a month away. So whether or not you decide to do it, keep the whole "fashion's strict rules" in mind and next time you have the opportunity to wear something you otherwise might not have, try it out.
This post will be the last of my posts until the 28th of December, due to many family events coming up, so until then, au revoir!
xoxo, Paloma
p.s. I hope you all have happy and safe holidays!

1 comment:

  1. "This show is one of my absolute favorites for many reasons. One, all the outfits on this show are to die for, and two, the show itself is very interesting and actually has a deeper meaning than any other television show. Oh and did I mention it has the very attractive Austin Butler as well?" Those are EXACTLY the reasons why i watched (a 3d season?) this show. That is very funny to read to me. And btw, you nailed the TCD' Carries' style!
